By xharmonyx - 24/04/2012 08:29 - United States

Today, I paid for someone else's piss so that I could pass my drug test. I didn't pass the drug test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 760
You deserved it 71 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

panny10112326 1

Why even bother putting FML if you totally deserved it?? Drugs= baaaaad shit.

Yeah... Paying the same friend you rip a bong with to pass a drug test for you isn't a good idea. Must've been high when you agreed to that.


latestcrazegirl5 5

Hey dude maybe you shouldn't be doing drugs and you wouldn't have had that problem. :P

Really? You brought this on yourself. It's like people in prison, they all think they are a victims.

wlddog 14

If drugs don't effect your mind then why take them at all? It's stupid to say they don't.

The best thing would have been to hire the same guy who sold you his pee to hit you with a sledgehammer the day of the test. When you wake up from your coma a month (or longer) later, you'll be drug free!

texas_redneck88 10

N-n-now kids I'm here to talk to you about drugs, mmkay. Drugs are bad, mmkay. Kids, has that marijuana made it around the room yet? No? Mmkay. Now drugs are bad, mmkay and alcohol is bad mmkay

Since you didn't get the job, I hope you at least found out you were pregnant.

wow u totally deserve that say no to drugs do u not remember D.A.R.E (drug abuse resistant education) oh man I need a life if i remember all the way from 5th grade lmao but no really don't do drugs not cool your just throwing your life away

Haha, you're just the average stereotype. Depending on what "drugs", I'm not talking hard drugs here, he's not necessarily throwing his life away. Don't get the job? Next application. He never he's doing drugs 24/7, did he? No, I don't think so. I'm not saying that drugs are something to encourage in others, but research, moderation, and safety make it pretty easy to have an amazing life, but still have a little extra fun every now and then. Also, he probably is a major druggie since he was dumb enough to buy dirty pee, just google the wizinator and all druggies problems have vanished,

****! I edited it but the time ran out. I made it less dick-like, anyway sorry if I hurt your feelings. But OP just needs a Wizinator and all this could have been avoided!

not taken and actually I'm not stereotyping I'm saying the truth drugs r bad for u and your health I don't do drugs never did never will your jus starting your life out bad first weed then harder drugs then harder drugs that's just how it goes drugs are overrated and always have been no point in them at all that's. my opinion btw drugs put u on the street kill you or mess u up that's the truth!

Ok *getting ready to be yelled at* I think that drug tests are s violation of personal rights. What the OP does on the weekend or evening is of NO concern to his employer unless he'd be working with the substance they test for. If they are going to do drug tests, test for alcohol, retardation and diabetes while you're at it. Someone is WAY more likely to allow alcohol to influence their job, do something stupid that causes the company money or end wasting money from the healthcare plan. What OP was stupid, yes, but should never have been allowed to happen in the first place. AND before you comment back, no I don't smoke etc just from a Country that's more liberal.

In sick of all the judgmental people on here saying OP deserves it when we all know most of those same people use something, whether it be prescribed (usually to someone else) or gotten off the streets.

Some jobs need people who don't do drugs, like a job that involves being called in at a moments notice. If you were in a car accident at 3am and they had to call a sergeon in, would you want him to operate on you while baked out of his mind? I didn't think so.