By xharmonyx - 24/04/2012 08:29 - United States

Today, I paid for someone else's piss so that I could pass my drug test. I didn't pass the drug test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 760
You deserved it 71 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

panny10112326 1

Why even bother putting FML if you totally deserved it?? Drugs= baaaaad shit.

Yeah... Paying the same friend you rip a bong with to pass a drug test for you isn't a good idea. Must've been high when you agreed to that.


xrawritsashleyx 11

1 word: karma. YDI. don't do drugs, problem solved

There are plenty of other FML's that are more note worthy than you not passing a piss test due to your drug habits. You really do deserve that, especially since you paid another druggy for their urine.

kiraleann 16

It would be pretty hilarious if your pee donor indulged in some drugs purposefully to screw you over and teach you a lesson.

davek 36

Ydi, druggies/ potheads don't deserve jobs. If you had the money to buy drugs why do you need a job. Stick to sucking d*ck on the corner. Keep the jobs open to those who actually need it and don't waste their life and money on dru gs.

Wow, the bitterness is strong with this one. My friend who's a doctor and also a "pothead" would like a word with you.

mandahoney 0

Wow, I would've been pissed! *ba dum chh*

YDI for working for a place that drug tests. Just say no... to drug tests.