By kiki - 05/08/2010 18:24 - United States

Today, I realized that in French, my name means "penis." This wouldn't be so bad if my dad wasn't fluent in French. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 360
You deserved it 3 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BoyFromTheFuture 0

nice... now you need to find someone with a name that's slang for ****** and you have a solemate.

Actually, it could also be "Zizi", but I'm assuming it's Kiki because that seems more plausible. FYL OP, but I guess it's a nice way to break the ice, no? "Hi, what's your name?" "Penis. What's yours?" :)


dick is not a french name it's short 4 richard

French word for penis is pénis... so I dont know how long it took you to figure that one out lol If true, YLIF

Have you ever heard the song "A Boy Named Sue?". Maybe your dad wanted you to grow up tough.

hi my name is penis il be your server today!

torirules 0

sorry ur dad sounds like a dick... hah like ur name

there's a site on google called 205 ways to say penis in French… that's a lot of options for a name. I'm guessing Zizi is your name haha.

It was KIKI, hence the FML being submitted by.... you guessed it! KIKI! Is it so much to ask that people even skim through the comments before saying the same thing over and over? -_-

perdix 29

We should get together and hang out sometimes. My parents named me Peter Dick JohnThomas Johnson (and neither of them was a Johnson.) Hang out . . . get it? Hahaha!

yourkiddingright_fml 0