By kiki - 05/08/2010 18:24 - United States

Today, I realized that in French, my name means "penis." This wouldn't be so bad if my dad wasn't fluent in French. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 354
You deserved it 3 880

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BoyFromTheFuture 0

nice... now you need to find someone with a name that's slang for ****** and you have a solemate.

Actually, it could also be "Zizi", but I'm assuming it's Kiki because that seems more plausible. FYL OP, but I guess it's a nice way to break the ice, no? "Hi, what's your name?" "Penis. What's yours?" :)


TaylorTotsYumm 10

Never go to France or Canada, OP.

Kiki is France French for penis. There is a big diffrence between Quebec French and France French. In Canada, Kiki means nothing

YensidZero 0
starfuryt550 3

"Hello, my name is Penis and I'll be your waitress today." YDI.

emilyxorawr 3

yur name doesnt exactly mean penis, if yur name is kiki it means winkle, like pee, we canadains learn french in our tiny igloos :D

that is really racist and mean to canadians

kikilovesyouhh 0

my name is kishuana & my nickname is kiki. lmfao . (: