By kiki - 05/08/2010 18:24 - United States

Today, I realized that in French, my name means "penis." This wouldn't be so bad if my dad wasn't fluent in French. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 354
You deserved it 3 880

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BoyFromTheFuture 0

nice... now you need to find someone with a name that's slang for ****** and you have a solemate.

Actually, it could also be "Zizi", but I'm assuming it's Kiki because that seems more plausible. FYL OP, but I guess it's a nice way to break the ice, no? "Hi, what's your name?" "Penis. What's yours?" :)


maybe it's a French version of dick. like dick cheyne

choirchickie91 0

the slang words for penis are zune, zizi and bite so which one is your name?

I'm going to guess you were bald when you came out :)

very hot . . . except for the steelers hat

Tweety122888 0

why aren't 111 120 and 127 moderated? I thought that comments made in languages other than English had to be moderated because they should be understandable by everyone.

or the same name as him. you don't know he could be batting for the other team :)

Woow!!!!!Why aren't people reading the comments and the flm properly before comment themselves????For the hundredth time his/her name is kiki which is synonymous to the word "pénis"(with the accent this way "é" not that way"è"=penis,and it is used by kids (as the word zizi) and when adressing to kids!!!!So #143 and all the others you'd better stop thinking that google is the answer to everything,it can't help you comprehend all the subtleties of a language...

dick is synonymous to penis but that doesn't make them the same. it is like Kiki is synonymous to pénis but the correct translation is pénis to penis.

I wanna know if Kiki's mom knew about this, and if not, what she thought the name meant!