By kiki - 05/08/2010 18:24 - United States

Today, I realized that in French, my name means "penis." This wouldn't be so bad if my dad wasn't fluent in French. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 354
You deserved it 3 880

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BoyFromTheFuture 0

nice... now you need to find someone with a name that's slang for ****** and you have a solemate.

Actually, it could also be "Zizi", but I'm assuming it's Kiki because that seems more plausible. FYL OP, but I guess it's a nice way to break the ice, no? "Hi, what's your name?" "Penis. What's yours?" :)


Cates500 0
usher77 0

at least u know that u wont be playing the penis game with french people anytime soon

as a french canadian, i can explain... queue means tail. In slang, it is used to instead of penis, because, well, a penis is a kind of queue is the translation of Dick, but in its slang signification. BTW the accent is é, not è (pénis)

eggjuggler 0

It's not so bad. He named ya after the tool he used to make ya. Seems practical to me!

Anerdimous 0

Penis in french slang is "Biete" (not sure about spelling), pronounced like "Beat". If your name is Kiki, it actually is slang for ******, not penis. Either way, poor you...

No no, kiki is often used for penis, it can be used for ****** but it's not so usual

So it's kinda like "privates" in English, then.

But only adapted to conversations with little kids. I'm surprised that some people here say it's only for ******, but it depends on the part of France they are from, maybe. PS :sorry for my english

alfalfa101 0
thekaratekidfml 0

so it's like penay or penny

my2centsworth 15

I believe we've heard this story or something very similar recently.