By Dockin - 14/02/2019 15:37 - India

Today, I slashed my ass open with a shard of glass. How? I was making out with my crush, and threw my glasses on the ground. I forgot about them when we decided to lie down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 250
You deserved it 38 026

Same thing different taste

Top comments

missamazinggg 12
zebraface 15

Because throwing your glasses on the ground is just sooo sexy.


AlaskanEskimo34 0

But you made out with your crush :D that always makes people feel better

You need to get yourself some better quality glasses, guy. My glasses have taken basketballs/playground balls to the face when the jerk was throwing it full force and they didn't break. You just sit on them shouldn't have shattered them so that they could cut you.

I was thinking the exact same thing. Maybe they sumo slammed onto the ground. Haha

Agreed, most lenses are polycarbonate, the same type of lens material used in safety glasses/goggles.

Shards of glass in your ass... Is that considered sexy these days....

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Of course! The sparkle really accentuates the curves of a nice ass.

I bet that killed the moment. And your glasses.

leogirl95 12

God, that sounds gruesome..."slashed my ass open"

ninjuh_wingman 29

That must have been one big sharp piece of glass to slash your whole ass.

I dunno #7... you get carried away with the glasses during sexy time. Sucks OP. No glasses, no girl, the wrong piece of ass. Don't forget the Neosporin.