By Dockin - 14/02/2019 15:37 - India

Today, I slashed my ass open with a shard of glass. How? I was making out with my crush, and threw my glasses on the ground. I forgot about them when we decided to lie down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 250
You deserved it 38 026

Same thing different taste

Top comments

missamazinggg 12
zebraface 15

Because throwing your glasses on the ground is just sooo sexy.


No. War and Peace is epic. The Canterbury Tales are epic. This is mildly amusing at best. Reserve "epic" for things that actually are.

OP puts the ass into glass. Ahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaha.

careful they don't sew up anything they shouldn't.

MrHankie1999 0

Must've been an eye opener for your partner

awkwardworkplace 9

India, eh? I doubt the cow cared whether or not your glasses were still on.

At least you and your crush were making out. Look on the bright side:)

You obviously didn't pay for these glasses yourself. Or they didn't have prescription lenses. Mine do not go where feet or asses can break them. Ever.

xcdog16 0

You are last person who should be Thinking about sex