By Dockin - 14/02/2019 15:37 - India

Today, I slashed my ass open with a shard of glass. How? I was making out with my crush, and threw my glasses on the ground. I forgot about them when we decided to lie down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 250
You deserved it 38 026

Same thing different taste

Top comments

missamazinggg 12
zebraface 15

Because throwing your glasses on the ground is just sooo sexy.


lishy1311 0

your glasses are actually made of glass! most lenses are made from plastic these days so that if they break, things like that won't happen :P

I wasn't aware glasses were still made of glass

they dont, they use CR-39 or Polycarbonate because its lighter, less fragile and more scratch resistant

Glasses aren't even made of glass.......

mmm yea maybe its like that in America but I know for a fact in the UK and many other countries still use glass! We still like glass, its very rare I meet someone who uses plastic glasses

So, you go up to every person you see wearing glasses and ask them if they are made of glass or plastic? You can't really tell the difference just by looking at them unless the person requires a very strong prescription and so the glass would be much thicker (and thus much heavier.) You can still get glass in America too if you want it, but the cons to it vast outweigh the pros for most people.