By ohgodwhy - 20/04/2012 20:24 - United States

Today, I spent hours baking an apple pie to impress my future mother-in-law. I was especially proud of the fact I'd made the crust and filling myself. When I served it to her, she picked off the crust and, between mouthfuls, bitched that it was nothing like canned pie filling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 577
You deserved it 2 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think cyanide may be a good ingredient to add next time you make one for her... But jokes aside, don't bother making her anything, she'll never like anything you cook.

If she stuffed herself then you know she liked it. It might take her a while to admit the same.


Who wouldn't LOVE an appie pie that was honest-to-goodness made from scratch? And even if it wasn't the best thing she'd ever tasted, a decent person would have still found something nice to say. Only the rudest of the rude insult someone else's cooking, especially while they are eating it.

Trisha_aus 15

Just smile and look happy every time you see her OP that'll drive her crazy

Exlax...impress her yet again with a wonderful dinner,THEN you make an awesome dessert (individual of course) and watch the magic happen..

CeeCee_fml 16

The crust is the best part of any pie and she had the audacity to pick it off? I'm offended.

Op, at the risk of sounding like an asshole, may I suggest you don't owe this woman your Unconditional respect? It's not written anywhere that she may shit in your face whenever the whim strikes her and you have to smile and take it. I'm not suggesting picking a fight with her, but she sounds like a bully who needs to be shown that unprovoked disrespect is unacceptable behavior. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself firmly, yet calmly and maturely. Considering you'll be the biggest focus in her son's life, she should probably be trying to make sure she'll be welcome in the home you two build together. Respect's a two-way street, and your husband-to-be should be the one kicking her ass metaphorically for basically pissing on his choice of life partner as this is an insult to him as well. :p Just my take on it, though. Good luck, Op.

perdix 29

Is it possible that you suck at baking? A competent baker could knock out an apple pie in 45 minutes, tops. You're probably of that generation where every time you attempt something, the world has to praise you to high heaven regardless of how shitty your effort turned out.

Michael_92 20

Here is a thought...when our generation runs the world will it be for the better or worse of humanity then right now?

I hope your time estimate for making apple pie didn't include the baking time! :)

@30, cool story, the reason it's spelled differently is because Webster(dictionary guy) decided to have fun and change the spelling of words, and when he sold his dictionaries, they were so cheap the american schools had to buy them, so the kids learned to spell it that way. ex: originally it was spelled colour, the americans spell it color. Just thought I'd interest you. The more you know.

Your mother-in-law is a bitch. Stop trying, she's not worth it