By ohgodwhy - 20/04/2012 20:24 - United States

Today, I spent hours baking an apple pie to impress my future mother-in-law. I was especially proud of the fact I'd made the crust and filling myself. When I served it to her, she picked off the crust and, between mouthfuls, bitched that it was nothing like canned pie filling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 577
You deserved it 2 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think cyanide may be a good ingredient to add next time you make one for her... But jokes aside, don't bother making her anything, she'll never like anything you cook.

If she stuffed herself then you know she liked it. It might take her a while to admit the same.


melrose90210 10

She's just looking for reasons not to like you because you're "taking her baby away". Ignore her bullshit.

1crabbygirl 10
shannonjnae2706 0

What an ungrateful bitch. Please don't take that crap from her. Stand up for yourself. She may hate you for it for a while, but then at least she'll know that she can't get away with treating you that way.

Moral of the story: don't try hard to impress people. People will hate your guts if they've made their mind up about you no matter how hard you try to please them or how much time to put into something. You will only frustrate yourself.

That is just like my mother-in-law. So now when she comes to my house we go out and they end up paying.

purplemnm 9

This is a reason why I'm going to find and marry a guy who doesn't have a mother.

1. Maybe you're not meant to make pie. It might have been awful. However if she ate it then she obviously like it enough to swallow it down. And she didn't die so it must have been edible. 2. You should not make her anymore anything. She is ungrateful.