By ohgodwhy - 20/04/2012 20:24 - United States

Today, I spent hours baking an apple pie to impress my future mother-in-law. I was especially proud of the fact I'd made the crust and filling myself. When I served it to her, she picked off the crust and, between mouthfuls, bitched that it was nothing like canned pie filling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 577
You deserved it 2 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think cyanide may be a good ingredient to add next time you make one for her... But jokes aside, don't bother making her anything, she'll never like anything you cook.

If she stuffed herself then you know she liked it. It might take her a while to admit the same.


Ungrateful cow! And we wonder how mother-in-laws become monster-in-laws??... Kudos to you for going the extra mile, and sorry you have such an unfeeling monster, oops mother-in-law.

The reason this happened is because you didn't invent the universe before you made your apple pie from scratch.

aw I bet it was delicious and she's just a bitchy bitch with no taste. (I'd have said that I'd eat your pie but that's kinda forward. lol)

Wow you all need to chill out .... As long as you understand what the person says and its not going to get marked or your job depends on it... WHO CARES if he said 'ppl' instead of people? "U" still understood it? I am tired of the amount of grammar nazis on FML......

PeachesnCream88: I might agree with you, if it wasn't for the fact that the Commenting Policy clearly states that no text language is allowed. No one will have an issue with you ('you' being generalized) if you take time with your grammar and spelling, which isn't difficult to do.

The_Hitdude is correct. Besides, using TXT language and expecting to be taken seriously is a bit like wearing an "I ♥ Dane Cook" shirt while you call someone else tasteless, stupid, lacking a decent sense of humour, and stuff.

Yet another time when I wished I could thumb up one of the mods. *sobs*

I thought 15 was making a joke when he put "practise what you preach" about how doby said ppl instead of spelling it. P.s. Doby you can't speak stupidity out loud over the internet. just thought I would let you know seeing as you can't even spell people out.