By ohgodwhy - 20/04/2012 20:24 - United States

Today, I spent hours baking an apple pie to impress my future mother-in-law. I was especially proud of the fact I'd made the crust and filling myself. When I served it to her, she picked off the crust and, between mouthfuls, bitched that it was nothing like canned pie filling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 577
You deserved it 2 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think cyanide may be a good ingredient to add next time you make one for her... But jokes aside, don't bother making her anything, she'll never like anything you cook.

If she stuffed herself then you know she liked it. It might take her a while to admit the same.


numberswoman 14

Of course it was nothing like canned pie filling - IT WAS GOOD! Sorry she subjected you to her craziness.

yeah, i probably should've looked it up before i said anything. i didn't know it's spelled differently in the UK. sorry!

Birdie_Sage 0

Customer is always right. Your future mother in law was just critiquing. Taste before serving, my friend.

fuckmebutdontfml 16

One thing I've learned: it's useless and fruitless trying to impress a mother-in-law that dislikes you, save your effort for keeping your husband happy :)

uSalt2 3

@23: It depends on whether you're using that word as a noun or a verb. As a noun, it's spelled "practice" in both dialects. As a verb, it's spelled "practise" in British English and "practice" in American English. I don't know about International English though.

Well at least she's not the one who raised you. Sucks for your husband, though. :(

Taymah49 7
jayellef 3

If she did that to your apple pie, something that most would enjoy, she will never like you. Stop trying to impress her and move on. Your husband knows that you made the effort, that's all that matters.