By Anonymous - 10/03/2010 20:53 - United States

Today, I started biting my nails, before I realized I'd forgotten to wash my hands after taking a massive dump. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 432
You deserved it 61 504

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How do you forget to wash your hands after taking a massive dump? Sick.


if anyone didn't know, when ur done doing your business and wipe, all of those germs go THROUGH the paper and on your hands...thats one of the reasons we wash our hands.

mirkayscar 0

hands are gross!!! I read today that kissing is more sanitary than hand shaking.... ewwww!!! wash your hands, especially after a good poop!

seriously…you should ALWAYS wash your hands. you're going to pick up germs your immune system might be able to fight off whatever disease you could catch but maybe other peoples can't…just be considerate.

lovely_day 0

well, its not like you touched your crap with your hands, right?

YDI. and why is 'massive' relevant here at all?

eyyy wtf dawg. naaasyy ass fooo dawg. fa shaw foo ya probably shited on ur hands on purpose and u just like da taste of shit in ur mouth