By henley - 23/07/2012 01:33

Today, I told my boyfriend that I didn't want to go out with him because I was having a fat day. After ten minutes of fighting, he threw a ring box on the floor and stormed out. I basically refused his proposal because of my body issues. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 769
You deserved it 69 877

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1221jamw 11

Well I don't understand why he couldnt of done it another day, but then again I've never planned to propose.. But I also hate how girls will look pretty and find something small thats wrong with them and complain about it..


I dont understand why most of the people here are mean to the OP???? She is a human! She has the right to feel sad/annoyed/happy!!!! She did nothing wrong!!! Stop being mean, you are not that much better, everyone is moody and have the right to feel what ever they want!!!!!

IF everyone has the right to feel however they want, then why can't people feel angered towards OP? Freakin' hypocrite.

he has the right to feel what ever he want, but he can not force her to go out! he could be supportive and nice and that probably could end up in a nice way and a romantic proposal, NO ONE IS PERFECT! he is suppose to be there for the goods and bad ones! (he wanted to get married, right?)

I dislike the way you feel that he is supposed to be supportive and nice and be there for good and bad, but she is allowed to behave however she feels.

But she is the one who is feeling down, the next time he is sad it will be her turn to be supportive! I dont know why its so hard to be understanding one to another! Its life-- never perfect and if it was.. Then not for long..

saderboi41 10

Sorry that you have issues with yourself, but even more so for your boyfriend (if he still is that). However, YDI for saying no, especially for that reason.

You're selfish. Take a Diurex and tool your ass out of the house. He may have gone through great lengths to propose to you.

Look where your insecuritys got you. Congrats

BeThePanda 1

This is getting ridiculous. Everyone bitching at OP, calling her vain and selfish, gets thumbed up. And then you all thumb DOWN anyone who isn't being a bitch to OP. What, it's wrong now to be a little understanding?

You didn't refuse his proposal because he never proposed to you. It's okay, you shouldn't marry someone who's still in a kindergarten. Wait till he grows up, learns how to communicate, how to express his affection, and how to deal with frustration of not getting his way. Not to mention that he should get his priorities straight - the proposal is meant to fit the girl, but he tried to fit you into his perfect proposal instead.

Spoken like a true princess. All the problems are his fault. I hope someday you will learn that relationships are supposed to be an equal partnership, and rarely is either side entirely to blame.

Aww poor guy, he deserves someone better.

Well if you guys ended up fighting im sure he thought you looked great. Since hes the only one you should be trying to impress you shouldve just went with him

Hopefully someone as entitled as OP will be alone until she bucks herself out of her imaginary Princess tower.