By purplexangel - 02/08/2012 17:32 - United States - Lubbock

Today, I tried to stand by my toaster and train myself to not jump when it popped up. Not only did I jump, I also knocked the toaster off the counter and onto my toes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 877
You deserved it 22 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sporty1200xlr 6

You would be a fun friend to mess with.

olpally 32

That toester just trolled you... Lol. Toester-1 you-0


Maybe you are the luckiest op in the world and your toaster is The Brave Little Toaster! What I am saying is your toaster tried to leap into yout arms.... Joke failed

You know your joke is a failure when you have to explain it before anyone replies.. Haha.

This is why I don't make toast anymore. Every time it goes off, I spazz out and hit something.

You should try going outside and playing badketball

Whackamole 1

I've tried to do this too. Waiting for your toast to pop up can get lame.

Does it really matter If you jump or not?

You were to nervous waiting for it that your freaked out when it popped. Just chill!

If you're that easily mentally programmed by objects, who knows what other mindless things you do that people have taught you. There is still hope. You can de-program!

Michael_92 20

@21 What exactly is that going to do?

sob sob sob . . . I'm not the only who does this . . . I'm not the only one . . . *tears of relief*