By So little trust. - 12/07/2013 23:18 - Canada - Coaldale

Today, I walked in on my daughter hugging and sobbing into her Edward Cullen cut-out. She won't tell me what's wrong, yet she can confide in a creepy fictional stalker whose facial expression is locked to "chronically constipated". Where did I go wrong? FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 467
You deserved it 7 662

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eliseopwns 22

Teenage fads... Not your fault. A good laugh for her future self, you know?

tjv3 10

Well you started going wrong when you allowed a cardboard cut out of Edward Cullen into your house


You went wrong when you got her a full sized Edward Cullen cutout.

Maybe is just a phase she's facing right now. She'll laugh about it when she gets older. We all do

Don't take it too personally. As a teenager myself, I can say that I would honestly confide in a hobo on the street before I confided in my parents about something personal. It may just be that "they don't get it" thing, but a lot of the times (at least in my experience) it's true. Parents just can't relate to some things. I have nothing positve to say about the Edward Cullen thing though...... (O_O)

yourmurderscenex 13

well, speaking as an adult and a parent I would much rather have my kids come to me and not to a cut out or a hobo. I always go to my mom even with the off chance she won't understand. kids need to understand that majority of the time they are trying. just give them the chance.

"Oh Edward, why can't you bite Jennifer for calling me hairy during Gym class? And Mrs. Parker for giving me a D in math? And Sparky for peeing all over my new shoes? I thought you loved me! I'm sorry for yelling. You know I could never be mad at you... I just get so lonely sometimes... Do you ever get lonely? *Stares into chronically constipated face*

Twihard sickness: Second only to Beiber Fever...

Pstraka6 20

She's young, let her have moment with her cutout

well if u did the best u can then its just on them

DKjazz 20

She owns a cardboard cut-out, and she cries clutching it. Surely this is not healthy?

Confused77 3

By letting her watch Twilight..

rokolodo 10

Just dont get discouraged. Keep talking to her. She'll come around someday and be grateful that u never gave up on her.