By wowimdumb - 30/01/2011 00:35 - United States

Today, I was at a power lifting meet when a girl I really liked walked in. Trying to impress her, I increased my bench to 350, when I have only done 300 before. She then watched me drop it on my chest, breaking my breast bone, and also crying in the process. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 459
You deserved it 70 184

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thats sucks but you deserve it, but isn't 300 impressive enough

Burukasai 17


acetwiny 4

oh wow! I'm sure 300 would had been enough to impress her. :/

OP does. He brought willingly his body in danger to impress a girl that probably doesn't care at all how much he could lift. Sorry about the broken breast bone, OP, but you are lucky that that's all you've broken. It could have been worse. YDI.

You don't understand because you don't do weight lifting. I do. He deserved it.

I don't do weight lifting but if I were her I would have been pretty impressed at 300! so yeah he does deserve it for being a dumbass!!!!

sup situation u still gonna be on thursday?

dealerdon 0

look on the bright side at least she looked at you way to go dumb dumb

Your username pretty much covers it, OP :-)

three3_fml 2

The irony is that 300 probably would have impressed her just fine.

She probably didn't even care what you were doing in the first place...