By Anonymous - 16/04/2009 18:42 - United States

Today, I was dressing in my apartment when I noticed I left the blinds open. Outside, a maintenance man was mowing the grass within eyeshot. I figured I'd leave the blinds open and give him a little peek of the goods. Later I found a note on my window saying, 'Next time, close the blinds'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 366
You deserved it 120 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

EWWW!! Why would you do that? That's just gross..


This FML is worthless without pics.

I don't care what anybody says--only egotistical ****** pull that sort of nonsense. YDI for wanting the world to see you nude. YaDI for having a gigantic ego. Maybe next time you'll have a little bit of decency and class and shut your damn blinds.

YDI. I agree with 149. This could easily have been a married man, a gay man, or just a decent human being who didn't want to see your saggy, flabby ass at work. What kind of egotistical **** pulls a stunt like that? Just because so many people HAVE seen your junk doesn't mean that other people WANT to. Or even that THEY wanted to.

Ever wondered why they always close their eyes when they come?

Agree with #130. Don't assume every man wants to see your "goods". Real life doesn't work like in the (****) movies.

A, it's pretty weird to purposely leave the blinds open for the maintenance man, but as a man I can say it would probably make my day (assuming you're pretty). B, "Next time, close the blinds", could be just a polite gentleman's remark about you "forgetting" to close the blinds, so perhaps it wasn't what you think it was.

Most likely, he was just looking out for you. Maybe he thought you forgot by accident and wanted to gently remind you. Or he could be gay. But that being said, its still a bit of a weird thing to do, stripping for strangers, lol.

you're a creep. why would you want to show some random dude "the goods"? were you gonna sell him some?

Exposing yourself like that, should get a sexual assault charge. That poor man did nothing to you. Also, to all saying shes not a ***** or a ****. Get real. Shes definitely a perverted *****. And I mean that in the least offensive way as possible.

he seems like a good guy. Go after him.