By Anonymous - 25/02/2012 03:07 - United States

Today, I was feeling frisky for the first time in months, so I started feeling up my husband. He kept insisting he had a headache and that he wasn't feeling it tonight. When I noticed his sarcasm, he said "Yeah, doesn't feel so great, does it?" and turned the TV volume up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 083
You deserved it 61 398

Same thing different taste


The fact that you considered posting this to FML means he made his point exactly as intended. How come a dose of your own medicine is so hard to take?

SheepShoop_fml 20

It's kind of petty to have to resort to those sorts of actions, but every once in a while...I mean come on, you've been doing that to him for months? You guys need to work something out. Sex isn't the end-all be-all of a relationship but it's terribly important, and if you're always giving him some excuse to get out of it you need to figure out what the issue is and work through it together. YDI.

I'm confused as to why there are so many YDIs. If OP wasn't in the mood, she wasn't in the mood. Her husband was being a jerk about it too, and if he wanted it and she didn't, it should have been a blessing that she was finally in the mood. But no, instead, he turns up the TV volume and ignores her. And this would be my opinion whether OP was male or female and had a husband or wife. It has nothing to do with the genders. It's the principle of the thing.

No if the husband has been getting rejected for months straight and then just jumps on the one rare time she's in the mood then he would just be a total pushover. He had the right to stand up for himself. If she can't figure out why she's never in the mood and make some sacrifices to satisfy her husband once in a while she's the problem.

rightside5 2
Chewiebhz 15

I felt his word OP. You're not alone. I have serious issues from childhood that haunt me and make sex difficult, so my boyfriend also goes moths without sex.

I would have just ripped that remote from his hand and attacked him if you know what I mean[;