By bingalingading - 30/03/2015 20:46 - United States - Owosso

Today, I was working at a donation center. I was having a really rough day, so my fiancée dropped me off some cookies. At the end of my shift, the manager told me I couldn't take them home because they were donated and therefore they were "company property." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 505
You deserved it 2 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You'd think people that work in donation centers would be nicer than that. FML OP

You're working at a donation centre, therefore you volunteer, right? Well if that's the case you have nothing to lose by telling him to stick it and walking out.


OP.......Sorry that you had a bad day that ended crumby! I mean this with all sincerity! My suggestion to avoid cookie stealing is put them in your lunch box, your Locker, your vehicle (if possible) Or eat them ALL!

LostInTheZone11 29

Take the high road, and let him be a dick. You will have the last laugh, since you're fiance seems amazing, and evidently has a talent for baking.

I'm so sorry op. Cookies should never be stolen. Your manager is an ass!

jat_fml 3

i dont undestand this maybe its your culture thing? but,suppose you shoudnt take public property?

The cookies were private property, the OP's fiancé never donated them, he brought them in for OP to enjoy herself. It would be like the OP forgetting her lunch having her fiancé drop it off and her boss saying she can't eat it because it was donated.

I think I'd know whether cookies brought to me while working at a donation centre were actually donations or not. Just take them home, or sneak a few out in your jacket.

Dont u hate it when you push ydi by accident

You have to wonder how some people get into management positions.

It sounds like he was joking but I don't know the context. You could maybe have tried laughing it off and taking them but it does depend on what your manager is like

If you can't take them with you, crush them into dust and drop them on the floor. Don't let the hungry/greedy manager have them either!