By Sick - 02/05/2009 04:56 - United States

Today, I went to a fast-food joint and ordered off the $1.00 menu to save money. Five hours later I go to the hospital with food-poisoning. After a whole day of not eating, crapping, puking, having tests, and a bunch of IV fluids, my $1.00 burger ended up costing me $2,000 in bills. Really. FML
I agree, your life sucks 177 052
You deserved it 27 240

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shaiath 0

Ouch, that must really suck. D= Was it from McDonalds by chance?


damn, irony can really suck cant it?

ely46 0

I doubt it was 24 thousand. That is half of what it cost me for and ER visit, emergency surgery and a 3 night stay at the University of Michigan. All of that was 50 thousand. I highly doubt food poisoning cost you 24 thousand.

cynicalahole 0

$24,000? Did they give you a diamond enema?

sue those bitches, and #57 i went to the hospital for like 2 days and it cost over $11,000, they way overcharge!

You can sue them. My mom got food poisoning from a Wendy's baked potato before because of the sour cream and she threatened to sue, so they gave her a bunch of free meals and some money back.

#49, one of the main rules of FML is to put "Today" in the beginning, so it wasn't like he ate the burger TODAY and 36 hours later got the bill TODAY. Stfu.

Also #60, I would think after getting food poisoning from Wendy's the last thing I'd want is meals from there, even free lol. They should have just given her money.