By Anonymous - 11/07/2013 14:24 - United States
Same thing different taste
Specially for dad
By anonymous - 01/02/2020 20:00 - United States - Shawnee
Life goals
By ShayisPay101 - 15/02/2010 18:58 - United States
By ppema - 31/07/2015 18:28 - United States
By Anonymous - 17/11/2014 15:47 - United States - Rochester
By Anonymous - 08/05/2016 08:42
Irony failure
By alcoholic - 31/10/2009 14:30 - Estonia
Uptight girl, she's been living in her uptight world…
By TheVirginJenny - 07/10/2012 00:05 - United States - Spanaway
By tamponmayhem - 09/03/2009 19:30 - Canada
By Anonymous - 10/07/2013 16:38 - United States - Spencer
By healthfreak - 07/09/2014 01:57 - United States - Marietta
Top comments
Hope you has the talk... If not you may want to or you could be grandpa soon
Unfortunately I'm not surprised. When I was in middle school there was a girl that had been with half of the guys in my grade (granted, some of it was most likely no more than gossip and rumour, but no doubt a lot of it was true). It's what younger kids are doing now. Shit, Willow Smith just came out with a song about it. The most we can hope for is that they are properly educated about the repercussions and given protection, and are responsible (because maturity isn't going to be great) enough to handle themselves. And, y'know, parents monitoring their children.
whats the name of her song
Holy **** I swear if I read another one of these comments...... Teen pregnancy rates are much lower than they used to be
I agree. Teen pregnancy has come down a lot in comparison to previous generations. If anything I find our current generation really stupid on other things, especially with common sense. That's just my opinion from what I have seen, heard and experienced in my life so far unfortunately.
With easy access to birth control and contraceptives of all sorts the concept of unwanted teen pregnancies should have all but disappeared. It's just that much more annoying because there are now TV shows glorifying pregnancies involving two unemployed teenagers with terrible judgment and no clue what adult life or parenthood is going to involve.
I'd just like to make a quick comment. I'm a 14 year old girl and I have never had sex, let alone kiss a boy. I hate to say it but don't blame it on the 'generation' because some of us actually realize that we should be spending this time studying. Hey, I'm not a prude either. I just don't see the point in sex right now.
some people your age are going to have sex now, because theyre ready. and they will make time to study. don't judge people, just because theyre not like you.
46- its alright, im 16 and ive never even kissed a guy, let alone have sex with one. i totally agree with you tho, i dont see any point in having sex at this age, not at least until ive settled down and actually can care for the kids, if thats what happens.
Thats great! I didn't lose my virginity until I was twenty one and every time someone found out I was still a virgin they were genuinely impressed.
#46 I like you!!!
@#16: Duh! Otherwise he would have known before. @#23: Actually, it is the father's fault. He had the power to say "no, you can't go to that sleep over, because i havn't met the parents" or "No, you're too young to date". It all depends on upbringing, something she obviously lacks. @#40: Observe the lack of exclamation marks in my previous comment, therefore, i am not on my high horse, in which case, there is no horse to dismount from. Also, straight A students lose their virginity at a proper age. Not 13. Straight A students are...well...straight A students...OP's daughter isn't
god youre an imbecile. just because you had sex doesnt mean you cant be a top A student....
There's this neat little thing that allows you to reply to comments... use it!
I never comment on FML'S but when I read this ridiculous comment, I just had to reply to it. You sir, get my vote for idiot of the week. You honestly think a kid who makes straight A's, isn't capable of making a bad choice? I made very close to straight A's as a child, and I lost my virginity at 12 years old, with a 12 year old girl who DID make straight A's. Your argument is straight retarded all around. Many of my friends who made straight A's, made bad choices in life, drugs, sex at an early age, etc... That has nothing to do with it. Also, you really think it was the dad's fault? Are you out of your mind? I was NEVER allowed to spend the night somewhere that my parents weren't familiar with. The time I lost my virginity wasn't even at a sleepover, it was during the day. A parent's job is to try their hardest to guide a child, communicate well with them, and to set rules the best they can but no matter how hard a parent tries, it is still up to the kid to make the right decision. A parent cannot hover over a child 24 hours a day, it just isn't possible. I get so sick of idiots like you trying to blame parents for a mistake that a kids makes. You either are not a parent yourself, in which case you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and need to be quiet until you learn a bit more, OR you ARE a parent, but are completely delusional and still have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. I am now a 31 year old parent of 2, myself (5 year old boy, and 3 year old girl), and I will do my absolute best to watch over my kids, set rules that I think will protect and educate them, communicate with them and try my hardest to know what is going on with them in their live's but I know that no matter what I do, there is still going to be PLENTY of opportunities for them to make a bad choice if they want to. I hope they always do the right thing but if they don't, I really hope there isn't some f-tard like you around to try and tell me that it was my fault because if there is, I'm going to spit right in their face. You really don't think that there are tons of opportunities in life for a child to make a wrong decision, regardless of how well they were parented? People like you sound like morons when they start in with that "bad parenting" routine. Give me a break, the parents are not to blame every time, they just CAN'T be. Sometimes, yes, a little better parenting could have prevented a child from making a bad decision but just as often or probably MORE often, it has nothing to do with the parenting. A kid is going to do what a kid is going to do and there is nothing you can do about it except try your best to guide them. You cannot control them at all times in their life, it simply is impossible. Kids with bad parents are not the only ones who make bad choices, period. Many children with wonderful parents, have sex too young, try drugs or fall in with the wrong crowd. I can happen to anyone. You may not realize you are on a high horse but believe me, you are riding the hell out of one. Now get off of it and go learn a little something about life.
At the proper age? Well I was a straight A honour student and the proper age for me was 13. What's your reference group? Dickens?
Boos profile doesn't say there age they could be 30 and had many years to deside they made the right desition
I think that there's a good chance she doesn't know what it means. But, I mean, some of the kids these days...
whats wrong with this generation.....
1 - Yes, yes she did :)
Don't pretend like any other generation didn't do their share of questionable things.