By baldygirl - 02/11/2009 20:04 - United States

Today, my 7 year old brother decided that it would be fun to cut off my hair. I woke from a long nap after working the late shift, to about 15 inches of my long blonde hair all over my bed and floor. I now have bloody bald spots and really choppy hair about 3 inches long. He got away with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 007
You deserved it 3 532

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch :[ Sorry girly ! Cut your parents' hair (if they're heavy sleepers like you, awesome. If not, NyQuil..), and blame it on your brother.. Bet he won't get away with it after that :]

noshitsherlock 0

Seriously, wouldn't you wake up when the bloody bald spots were created? That sucks though.. you should take away ALL his toys and give them to charity and shave the little shit's head down to the scalp and vandalize it with Sharpies.


He would be bleeding if he was my brother. >:-( Oh well... I guess this is your chance to try out a dangerous new pixie hair cut?

He only got away with it with regards to your parents. You, though, still can act. =] Just be sure to accept the consequences, if any.

KateeJo 0

...Thought? anywho, that really bites. I know I'd freak if anyone did anything like that to my hair.

Oh...oh wow That sucks so bad. :( I feel your pain (I have a younger brother too). But he never chopped my hair off. You should walk around wearing hats all the time if you can...

don't worry, just wear a hat,go to a salon or cut your self? style and add accesories etc :D

perdix 29

What do you mean "he got away with it?" Revenge is a dish best served cold. Pee in his bed and bring the stained sheet to his school. You'll be more than even.

exactly. she's the one deciding whether he gets away with it or not :D

Even better, go to his school with a pair of shitty and clean underwear and tell him: "Yoohoo! *insert name here*! Here, I got you a pair of clean underwear because i found these shitty underpants under your bed."

That's an awesome idea. You, are a genius.

wouldn't you have woken up from the pain of chopping some of your scalp off?

What the hell is wrong with parents these days? Why would they let him get away with it, just because he's 7? My kid would have been punished for doing that.

jane99 0

Yeah how did you not wake up if you were bleeding?

Skull_300 0

Time to Beat the little Bastard's ass, or give him a Brown Swirly!