By Anonymous - 21/01/2011 09:25 - Monaco

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me because I'm "high maintenance." I'd only asked him to use deodorant and brush his teeth. He hasn't had a shower in over a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 235
You deserved it 6 080

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He did you a favour. Get over it and go find someone who showers at least once a week.

Who showers these days anyway? Homeless people are setting a pretty awesome trend in my opinion.


knibbsy 4

YES! I woke up this morning and said to myself "I really would like to have bjbrad69's phone number soon!" It must be my lucky day! You're so awesome, bjbrad69!

sounds like he did u a favor. what a nasty son of a bitch

Well they did do some research and they found out the smell of sweat works as an aphrodisiac for women.

You totally deserved it. If a guy doesn't bathe for a week and breaks up with you because you mention it, he's doing you a favor, not ******* your life.

wow i still dont believe some guys dont know how to stay clean, personally lady i agree with every one here who says your better off, hell i feel dirty if i dont shower every morning, but thats just me, you should be extremley happy and know that he will be lonely for along time, and you will live a lot better life, be safe and have fun

xspaniardx 3

you already posted that exact same comment ^^

I'm guessing that his poor hygiene habits are a continuous thing and not something you can change...So good riddance to him!

bonzie 6

hun you are better off!! geez showering is the most basic of hygiene needs, its ridiculous to say that it is high maintenance to ask that he keep clean...seriously good riddance!!