By Anonymous - 10/03/2013 22:37 - United States - Denison

Today, my boyfriend drove me back home. My dad was sitting on the porch in his underwear, with his shotgun in his lap. He stroked the gun, looked my boyfriend dead in the eyes, and slowly shook his head. Now my boyfriend refuses to see me for his own safety. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 178
You deserved it 4 399

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There are worse things in his lap he could have been stroking.


Suaria 38

Haha this is exactly what my brother would do. My dad could honestly care less. Whenever my brother comes over, he asks if anyone is giving me trouble and if anyone is, he will personally beat them up for me. Yep my brother is the stereotypical dad for me.

I went to meet my girlfriends parents officially last night even though her dad is my biology teacher and her mom is my school counselor. He just got a new handgun that day and cleaned it for about an hour on the kitchen table...she said he used his good gun cleaning kit as a terror technique. We live in Alaska, it didn't work.

If I we're him I wouldn't come either!

Please don't forget the "staring in the eyes and slowly shaking his head" part, because it changes the story a whole lot from just a simple "sitting on the porch with his shotgun". It changes this from a simple "I am willing to defend/protect my daughter" to "I do not approve of you and I own a shotgun which I am not afraid to use". (Whether he would actually use it or not is irrelevant here, as this is the message he is undoubtedly sending out.) I can fully understand the boyfriends reaction. It's not about being courageous/having spine, it's about making sure that you'll have nothing to do with this crazy lunatic of a father. On that note, what if you were to bring your date home, then see the father who has a large picture of you in his hand, pulls out a kitchen knife and stabs it into pieces while laughing like a maniac? Or what if he put your photo on top of a dart board and threw knives at it? Would you still think: Well, this must be a rational being who in no way desires to do anything harmful to me.

ileenefudge 29

Daddy's little girl. At least that's what your dad sees you as and he just wants to make sure your boyfriend is smart enough not to hurt you or he will be the one getting hurt.

Daddy's little girl? More like daddy's little possession not allowed to make her own decisions, her own friends or have her own life because her obsessive father acts more like her possessive husband. To me it looks like you are in an abusive relationship before you even had a real relationship. I feel sincerely sorry for you OP.

ileenefudge 29

I was wrong. I didn't see it as overprotective at first.

acerima 11

Your dad is awesome. Remember ladies, we were all young ourselves, we know what they want and are capable of....... Just not with my daughter.

skyeyez9 24

So you prefer your daughter to be single, lonely and miserable? Dating is a necessary step to getting married one day.

For some reason I envisioned the dad as Dale from King of the Hill.

I think this is the kind of situation in which you are perfectly entitled to tell your darling father to stay the **** out of your business and stop being such a psycho.