By fuckadaisical - 06/12/2013 20:23 - United Kingdom - Pontypridd

Today, my boyfriend's idea of foreplay was to offer to make lunch, leave the room for a few minutes, then come back with no clothes on and offer me a "cockmeat sandwich". FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 445
You deserved it 8 904

Same thing different taste

Top comments


beaverteaser 16

no thanks. but I will take a beaver on rye

Did you get the six-inch or the foot-long?

at least you won't go hungry, that Is if you took up his offer

Phoebe_Buffay 14

Are you the same person who's boyfriend told you to eat that "cockmeat sandwich" in an older fml?

Based on the fact that this is a FML on, how do you think?