By fuckadaisical - 06/12/2013 20:23 - United Kingdom - Pontypridd

Today, my boyfriend's idea of foreplay was to offer to make lunch, leave the room for a few minutes, then come back with no clothes on and offer me a "cockmeat sandwich". FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 445
You deserved it 8 904

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Love it, but he should have at least put it between two slices of bread, or in a hotdog bun. Then she would have at least had the option of taking the bread/hotdog bun and retorting "I'll take the bread, thanks, but I think that just made me a vegetarian"

mxij 13

I think he mixed up foreplay and role play.

FML misses an option: the "Your life is completely awesome" option.

I think your boyfriend has been watching too much Harold & Kumar lately.

Lol I honestly don't see anything wrong with this... Unless...