By notawizard - 16/07/2009 10:16 - Spain

Today, my daughter turned 11. Since she LOVES Harry Potter, I decided to write her an acceptance letter to Hogwarts. When she saw the letter, she screamed and showed me. When she found out I wrote it, she told me she hated me, started crying, and stepped on my foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 346
You deserved it 95 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pedegg 0

Okay, everyone seems to be forgetting that eleven year olds ARE idiots. Even if they know the book is fiction, they still WANT it to be real- and if the outside world gives them a glimpse of hope that maybe it's more than fiction, they WILL believe it because they WANT it to be real. I waited for my Hogwarts letter when I was turning eleven. I didn't really think I'd get one, and when I didn't I wasn't crushed, but if I HAD gotten one I'd probably have shit myself. This mother obviously has never been obsessed with something like 11 year olds can be with this book series. That, or she's just a bitch. She should have known better than to have made the poor kid think she was going off to live in a magical world and then taken it away. That's horrible. Just take her to see the damn movie.

mynameisnotjudie 0

WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?!?!?!?! Ugg I can't even begin to tell you how terrible that is. The poor little girl! An eleven year old really has no way of knowing that was fake because the excitement blinds them ;- )


My brothers did that to me too, and I believed them. I still do, and I believe in Santa. Basically, you all are insulting me, and I'm okay with that, I'm older than 11 and I KNOW Harry Potter is real. Honestly, I don't give a damn what you say, I've been teased to death, and I don't care. You're no different than any other bitch, so stop criticizing her and her parenting, it was her decision, she didn't write fml because she wrote the letter, she wrote fml because her daughter is mad at her, 11 is not too old to believe in Harry Potter or Santa Claus, you dumb ass! Harry Potter is not a children's series no matter what shit-heads say! FYI:The letters DO come by owl, but they still recieve them like regular mail if they're muggles, so stop pretending you know all about Harry Potter when clearly, you've maybe read the books once an seen the movies a few times.

will you be my best freind? oh and #338 **** you shes 11 get a life

Lucky people reading HP before they were 11. I was 15 back in 1999 when I started to read the books :/

pinkuggs4ever 0

Your mean... Why would you think that would be a good gift...

I don't understand why people are picking on a 11 year old girl this is what;s wrong with people these days they want children to grow up too fast. When I was 11 I had just started reading Madeline L'engle's A Wrinkle in Time and if my mom would have told me that there was a Tesseract waiting for me out side I would have been the happiest person in the world. No matter that it shouldn't be real. I feel bad for the mom because her daughter is mad at her for doing something that when she gets older she will appreciate as what it is, her mom giving her something purely to make her happy its not something she asked for or her mom had to pay for just something to show that she knows what she is in to and cares. I don't see how its dumb to believe in magic and wizards and Hogwarts for all any of you know it may very well be real.

StillConfuzzled 0

That was a very nice gesture on your part. Personally, I would have been thrilled to find a letter to me from there. Still though, how did she find out? You should have burnt all of the evidence or something, then send another letter saying that the offer still stands but the school is full. You could then have taught her some magic tricks :D Anyways, FYL. Nice try, though.

Looks like a dumb lady raising a dumb kid.

you are the most retarded mom ive ever known! Imagine your boss giving you a letter of promotion as a joke. A**hole!

Why the hell would you do that? It's a serious question. What did you think was going to happen?

Should have just taken her to see the new movie....

sunnyXsmile 0

I don't get why there are so many YDI's. I'm 24 and would love if someone wrote me a Hogwarts acceptance letter even now. I would think it was a sweet and creative gift idea! Okay fine so I'm older and have common sense--but with that being said I would like to add that I've been an avid reader since I was 7 or 8 and I grew up reading fiction books. The difference in me and OP's daughter being that I certainly had enough common sense at 11 to separate fiction from reality. Did I have an active imagination and *wish deeply* that some of the stuff I read was real-heck yes! But I always knew, even at a young age, that it was ultimately just fiction and the chances of it being real were slim to none, or zero for the most part. Eh, I guess it varies from child to child. *shrugs* Hey, OP, at least you tried to be sweet and give your daughter something you thought she would like. Hopefully she'll appreciate it much more when she's a bit older!