By notawizard - 16/07/2009 10:16 - Spain

Today, my daughter turned 11. Since she LOVES Harry Potter, I decided to write her an acceptance letter to Hogwarts. When she saw the letter, she screamed and showed me. When she found out I wrote it, she told me she hated me, started crying, and stepped on my foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 346
You deserved it 95 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pedegg 0

Okay, everyone seems to be forgetting that eleven year olds ARE idiots. Even if they know the book is fiction, they still WANT it to be real- and if the outside world gives them a glimpse of hope that maybe it's more than fiction, they WILL believe it because they WANT it to be real. I waited for my Hogwarts letter when I was turning eleven. I didn't really think I'd get one, and when I didn't I wasn't crushed, but if I HAD gotten one I'd probably have shit myself. This mother obviously has never been obsessed with something like 11 year olds can be with this book series. That, or she's just a bitch. She should have known better than to have made the poor kid think she was going off to live in a magical world and then taken it away. That's horrible. Just take her to see the damn movie.

mynameisnotjudie 0

WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?!?!?!?! Ugg I can't even begin to tell you how terrible that is. The poor little girl! An eleven year old really has no way of knowing that was fake because the excitement blinds them ;- )


Dear OP- First- ignore the stupid kid comments. Intelligence isn't about knowing what's real or not. Any unknown can be credited or discredited, proven or disproved, *evidence or no* in any human being's mind with sufficient emotional support. Just look at organized religion. And how we feel after being emotionally betrayed. And how we feel after feeling our dignity was attacked. And blah blah, the list goes on. Second- I'll say this: your kid's a bit too much into the HP. Encourage interests, but dissuade infatuations and objects of adoration/idolatry. This going on when we're kids, is what causes the mommy/daddy issues so many of us are so delightfully predisposed to. It's all part of a big celebrity/god-image clusterf*cked-flavoured-souffle spawned from merciless pop-culture bombardments as children with a healthy dose of moral ambiguity mixed in for spice. Mostly because we weren't being taught how to handle our emotions as we grew up... mostly. I'm winking at Newt. Third- the violence thing is another red flag. More-so than the immediate crying and telling you she *hated* you. I don't care if you hit her or don't/didn't... yet. The point here is she just hit you... rectify that sh!t prioritysupernumberonealpha. Civilized society is maintained by people with integrity and a certain degree of emotional control. Also known collectively as Spoon's 'knowing-better-than-hitting-someone-because-they-could-be-willing-to-kill-you-on-the-spot' Axiom. Lastly, try building a sense of humor for/with your child based on discrepancies in truths, not pursuance of implausible fantasies (unless we're talking role-playing, of the dungeons-and-dragons or in-bed variety. That comes after puberty; I digress). One is honest and genuinely based on reason, the other is based on encroachment of someone's mental/emotional facilities. That's either patronization or condescension, and no one likes that. "Kids are like adults", only they feel everything three times harder and have no intellectual basis/capacity upon which to gauge a proper means of articulating/expressing their emotion(s). Gotta remember they associate things either very directly, or very indirectly... depending on their level of interest. Or not. Definitely could be wrong. This could all just be me. Oh, and YDI. I'd be willing to go a slice of FML as consolation if you see where you erred, and don't repeat it ever again. Only because children are trixie little hobbits, and a lot of *their* character sheet is plagiarized from *yours*. Rememberrrrrrrrrr.

decibel_beads 0

The kid is not stupid - the real problem is that she's a brat. Seriously.

You deserve all of those things and worse. I'd feel exactly the same way as her and I'm 23.

oldskoolman85 0

YDI but FYL for having a retarded daughter.

ninastar18 0

wow, you are so retarded! you deserve far worse than what you got for doing that. that's so horrible! if my mother did that to me i would probably run away from home. i am the biggest HP fan in the world and something like this is just so annoying and wrong. i feel bad for your child

Hich17 0

"if my mother did that to me i would probably run away from home." And you call the MOTHER retarded? Really?

Harry Potter is just as real as god is...

What an immature excuse for an 10 year old child. (since she just turned 11.) She may not be dumb even though she believes but hating your mother and stomping on her feet for actually doing something for her; who does she think she is? No wonder adults think children are typically preppy brats who have bad grammar.

equastriangirl 0

your daughter is a dumb ass if she thinks that hogwartsis real she must be a retarded immature 11 year old and she needs to grow up