By notsoonenufdeparted - 02/10/2010 05:07 - United States

Today, my four-year-old asked me when I was going to die. I replied "Not for a long time, why?" He looked at me and stated "Because I only want to live with Daddy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 282
You deserved it 4 815

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Obviously you're doing something wrong. A child that young should be crying his little ass off even thinking about his mum dying.

FFML_314 11

Your kid is sadistic, but at least he's honest.


TropicalTulipz 0

BWAAAAHHHHAAAAA i felt like that when i was a kid but now i dont i love my mommy :)

duckie227 22

in psychology, this is somewhat referred to to Oedipus Complex, although the son would want the father dead, not the mother

Classical theory holds that "resolution" of the Oedipus complex takes place through identification with the parent of the same sex and (partial) temporary renunciation of the parent of the opposite sex; the opposite-sex parent is then "rediscovered" as the growing person's adult sexual object.

All children say that crap. Don't worry about it, he just doesn't understand that you'll be gone forever if you die. I probably have said it when I was little too.

a lot of favorites lately...this is no exception. hehe

Awee that's so sad. I'd be heart broken. But it also makes me question if your a crappy mom.

Its possible that you were the last parent to dish out punishment and he resents you (briefly) for it. He will be loving again before you know it, but children sure know how to hurt their parents >.

You are doing something wrong! Maybe re evaluate your parenting skills!