By ashleyevans - 04/04/2009 14:45 - United States

Today, my friend and I went to a really expensive restaurant. We got really bad service, so halfway through the meal we decided to dine-and-dash. Turns out I left my purse in the restaurant. With my I.D. and everything inside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 001
You deserved it 192 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tehrevenant 0

Why would you EVER think that was okay? "Oh, the service sucks, I'll just steal the food." YDI.

This_Guy 0

I hate people like you. You deserve everything thats going to happen to you.


******* seriously? You deserve this. Even if the service was bad, a server shouldn't have to pay for the meal you ate. They might not have done a good job, but they WORKED. Servers only get their tips, no hourly pay, so you're not just 'not tipping' the server, you're stealing the cost of the meal and they're not making any money AT ALL from the work they did to feed you. If the service is really that bad, talk to a manager. How would you like it if you did your job, and because someone didn't think you did that well, you have to pay them instead of getting paid?

Actually, servers normally get an hourly wage plus tips. They just get a VERY low one, like $3.00 an hour. OP: YDI and a whole lot more! Thanks, Jazaray

...or you could just not tip. but really, dine 'n' dash? ydi.

alex_vik 0

Yes, if you're not happy, just steal everything. ******* idiot.

hahahaha you're ******* stupid for leaving that shit

Eresbel 0

Seriously. Not so much FML as YDIYSB (You deserve it you stupid b*tch).

uh #42...servers get wage...our wage is significantly below minimum wage becasue it's assumed that tips will make up for that. obviously this is still unacceptable but we do make an hourly wage.

lara522 0

You completely deserved that. Even if the service sucked, you can't just leave and get a free meal. Not only are you making the waiter pay for your meal, you made yourself look like a asshole.

likewhoachea 0

Do you expect us to believe that you jumped the check because of bad service? You wanted a free meal and decided this was the easy way to get one. My advice is to get a lawyer and start brokering a deal now. Maybe you'll avoid jail time, but not if I'm on the jury.

#47--I'm a server, and I have NEVER received money on a paycheck. I get a wage if $2.13 an hour, and it isn't enough to cover my tax deductions and stuff. It's crap. And the writer deserves it. And in this economy, all the server's going to think is that you're cheap trash for not paying. I hope they charge your credit card for the meal and tip themselves 50% on it.