By Brad - 08/03/2009 05:33 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend dumped me for someone else. An hour earlier I had just gotten permission from her dad to propose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 157 367
You deserved it 7 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mistress_Puppy 0

Oh poor thing I'm sorry. But at least you knew how she felt before you actually proposed.

At least this happened instead of her cheating on you with this guy down the road, leading to a long and painful divorce.


marris 0

50 - never took an American history course did you. The entire point of asking a father's permission was because the bride didn't have the authority to say yes or no. Only the father did, and the point of the marriage was to broker land and ensure your daughter didn't marry beneath your class. Why don't you do some reading up on it before you go assuming things and throwing out lies about wellknown facts.

lmao you asked her dad for permission come back when you have some balls son

tim_fml 0

Starfox, Open the bible and learn why a man asks for a father's permission in marriage. Its because the bible dictates the groom PAYS for the bride - pays as in money, or other gifts of monetary value. You ask the father's permission so he can tell you how much money he wants for his daughter. Thats the reason for the tradition. If you don't think of your bride to be as a piece of property, you aren't going to be asking the dad for his permission to marry, because thats the history behind the act

loddy 0

Ha ha, Starfox went on a rant here about people making assumptions and not knowing the history about why people ask permission but her own comments show she is the one making assumptions. She should post an FML about the comments she put up

Smaket 0

50 Please stop making rapid assumptions and take the time to learn about asking for a father's permission. Its only in the past 30 years that the act had any meaning that was less than derogatory toward the girlfriend. A person who treats his future fiance with dignity would not engage in such a disrespectful act and once you learn about this, instead of jumping to conclusions, you'll understand. Some of us have actually been alive when it was extremely inappropriate for a girl to say no to the decision determined between her father and the man who asked her father's permisson. Your grandmother or greatgrandmother may have been alive when it was forbidden for her to say no if her father said yes to the man who asked his permission. Ask your older relatives. This isn't a sweet, respectful, or endearing act by any stretch of the imagination.

linzey 0

that stinks. at least the dad liked you...if thats a upside. but she doesn't deserve you. you can do better

haze_fml 0

Starfoxy, You're a numbnut. Doncha think it would be wise to find out whatcha are talking about b4 you start telling other people they need to research it. lol. You must be like still in high school or something. stupid kid

titanpride 0

Why does it matter that she dumped you? Her dad said yes to marrying you, and his answer must have been more important to you than hers or you wouldn't have asked him in the first place

dont listen to some people on here.. asking permission is so cute! [: im a girl and when i get married i would be happy if my boyfriend will ask permission from my dad. all though it really makes no difference.. haha im soo so sorry. this happened to my brother and he suffered for two years. there are other fish in the sea and i know its hard.. but you'll find the right girl [: it obviously wasn't meant to be [:

LOL! All you people whining about asking the dads permission act like he was asking the dad's permission INSTEAD of the girls! Surely he would have asked for the girls too