By dumped - 05/06/2009 17:14 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of 3 years broke up with me because the love advice that she gets on her cellphone every week says that I'm cheating on her. I've never cheated on her and I was planning to propose next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 95 902
You deserved it 6 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well if she takes advise from a cellphone love advise i would just leave

If she's listens to cellphone advice over common sense, you came out on top my friend.


don't worry, you even wánt to marry some one so stupid do you? Still suck though.

that is sooooo stupid. why would she brake up with you like that. I'm so sorry

Dude so sorry.... :( that really sux. She's the stupid one believing what other people say to get money.......

Screwedover77 0

You do realize, of course, that if your ex-girlfriend was stupid enough to believe a randomized text message over you, especially after three years, that you're probably better off without someone so stupid? This feels like she just wanted to break up and didn't know how.

wow what an ass hole, who listens to a cell phone for LOVE ADVICE!

why would you want to marry someone that dumb anyway?

You're better off without bringing married to an idiot.

Try talking to her again. If she still follows advice from her stupid phone, then I hope you learned your lesson not to date a retard.

cactus_fml 0

No offense, but she sounds kinda like an idiot. But you should talk to her if you really want to marry her. But for real, how the HELL is a phone going to know anything?! Psychic texts? PuhLEASE.