By dumped - 05/06/2009 17:14 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of 3 years broke up with me because the love advice that she gets on her cellphone every week says that I'm cheating on her. I've never cheated on her and I was planning to propose next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 95 897
You deserved it 6 270

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well if she takes advise from a cellphone love advise i would just leave

If she's listens to cellphone advice over common sense, you came out on top my friend.


Dfizzysgurl13 0

******* inacurate horoscope thingy!! I'm so sorry dude

Dude if she's that dumb she did you a huge favor. Can you imagine trying to breakup with her if things didn't work out? Sounds like you are to be commended and she needs to go to common sense school.

If your woman is dumb enough to believe generic advice from a ******* cell phone, then you're better off without her.

playswithdoh 0

if she takes relationship advice from one of those stupid text companies they advertise on tv, you're probably better off without her. she sounds like an idiot.

i'm so sorry this is happening, but your girlfriend is a flake. if you stayed together and got married, what sort of other important decisions would she leave up to chance?

this seriously is your chance, RUN DUDE RUN and never look back haha

RaycerX 0

I hate to say it, but you dodged a bullet with this chick. Time to find someone semi-norma insteadl.

wow...she took advice from her cell phone. shes stupid. ur better off.