By ScottyB - 22/12/2014 08:05 - United States - Peabody

Today, my girlfriend of two years asked me why I would never tie her shoes for her. I confessed to her my deep hatred of feet. Later, I woke up from a nap next to my girlfriend. With her feet in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 750
You deserved it 6 627

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that is disgusting whether you hate feet or not.


Some people would pay good money for that!

Why does your gf need you to tie her shoes? Are you her boyfriend or her servant?

I feel ya bud. I made the mistake of telling a coworker I had a deep fear of snakes. I was terrorized with a rubber snake for weeks.

skittyskatbrat 19

#27, get the annoy-a-tron from thinkgeek for that coworker...

You guys need to chill. I ask my boyfriend to tie my shoes some times. It's not bitchy or demanding, it's a simple request. But putting her feet in your mouth is definitely bitchy.

Why would you ask that? Are you incapable? This is not "zip me up" or "can you put this necklace on?" This is like "can you put my pants on for me? It's just basic dressing yourself unless you have a handycap it seems like a bitchy thing to ask

what about when you/she is pregnant? honestly, little things like that are really sweet and cute. if you can't tie somebody's shoes for them sometimes, it's not "meant to be." And about the hatred, fear, whatever of feet. He's not touching or looking at her feet, there's a shoe and sock barrier. asking someone to tie your shoes is like asking someone to have sex with you or give you oral/finger you/a "hand job." you can get yourself off, so why should they? that'd be just as bitchy as this. but it's not.

I have asked my hubby to tie my shoes for me on occasion. For example when I was carrying our sleeping baby in a wrap and couldn't bend over without waking him. Other than that? Nope.

I don't ask my boyfriend to tie my shoes for me because I know he dislikes feet but I can think of a few reasons why someone might. Just one possible example, the two of them are out at the mall together. She is carrying five bags of clothing she just purchased on the trip, a latte from Gloria Jeans, and her purse. He is carrying nothing. Her shoe comes untied as they are walking back to the car. Rather than stop, set all of her bags and her drink down on the ground in order to free up her hands to tie her shoe so she doesn't trip, she asks him to do it since his hands are already empty. A perfectly reasonable reason to ask someone else to do it if they are willing. I'm not saying that is why the OP's girlfriend has asked him to tie her shoes, but it is an example of why a physically capable person may ask someone else to tie their shoes. I've tied a couple of my male coworkers shoes for essentially this reason before. Also it's not bitchy to politely request someone to do something for you, it's only bitchy if you Demand they do it or get mad when they refuse your request.

dragoongirl90 34

That's a ******* dump-able offence. She' be lucky if all I dod was dump her instead of cutting her feet off and slowly torture her to death with her own feet.

dragoongirl90 34

My ex-husband knew I hated feet and he walked into the bathroom with sh!t all over the tiles and came in and woke me up by putting his foot on my face. It was all I could do not to break his ankle. Especially since he beat me constantly.

Well, that's a different story, and it's a good thing he's your ex. If OP's girlfriend is abusive in other ways, though, he might not consider this particular offense FML worthy in comparison.

PimpNasty16 13

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ?? deep hatred of feet? Really? Petty

That really sucks OP. Why do you hate feet so much & how do you deal with your own feet (washing, putting on socks & shoes) if you have such a "deep hatred of feet"?

OP has lived with his own feet his entire life. It's like a 6'5" person being afraid of heights. Yeah, they're already really tall, but they're used to their own distance to the ground.