By ScottyB - 22/12/2014 08:05 - United States - Peabody

Today, my girlfriend of two years asked me why I would never tie her shoes for her. I confessed to her my deep hatred of feet. Later, I woke up from a nap next to my girlfriend. With her feet in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 750
You deserved it 6 627

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that is disgusting whether you hate feet or not.


See comments above yours for examples of why someone may ask for someone else's help tying their shoes. It's not always a maturity issue. In some cases it's the convenience of who has their hands free or who's more capable of bending over/kneeling down at the time without issue.

OP must have a really bad experiencenof smelly and gross feet...

A_Krissy_Kriss 3

knowing she did that out of spite is enough reason to leave. that just shows what little consideration she has for you.

How about "You're an adult and can tie your own damn shoes?"

Yes an adult can tie their own shoes. However, for example, if you're carrying two armloads of stuff (groceries, books, children, whatever..) and your significant other is carrying nothing, which is easier A) you completely unloading your arms then bending down and tying your shoe or B) them tying your shoe for you so that you don't have to unload and reload your arms or juggle whose holding stuff? It's entirely possible that the OP and his girlfriend had been in such situations before and she finally decided to ask why he always makes her go the more complicated and time consuming route rather than just helping her out. Her putting her foot in his mouth was horrible. Her reasons for asking him to tie her shoe may have been perfectly reasonable.

juturnaamo 29

Why would a couple be out together and only one of them carrying the bags?

They are all things she purchased and have nothing to do with anything he wants. I don't ask my boyfriend to carry my purchases unless I absolutely can not carry them all on my own. He has offered to carry stuff for me but, if I'm able, I really don't see the point of him carrying stuff that is not his. The fact that only one person may choose to buy something does not generally dissuade them from going out together.

ChildrenOfFilth 12

She must've really wanted you to suck her toes.

What the hell how could you hate feet?

skittyskatbrat 19

Why should OP tie her shoes anyway? Can't she do it herself?

Dude, your girlfriend has a foot fetish, this is nut a match made in heaven.