By demk - 20/08/2009 14:51 - United States

Today, my husband and I were in bed, and just as I was about to finish he screamed, "Oh shit! It's 4:15, my strawberries are gonna whither!!!!" and then jumped off me and went to check on his farm on FarmVille. An imaginary farm, on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 846
You deserved it 8 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lolatflyingducks 0

Clearly, you have never played Farmville.

chadhilliard67 0

haha, lets hope his strawberrys didnt whither


Nomad609 0

Another FML about a dude leaving his gf/wife for something useless. BORING & PREDICTABLE.

See, that's why I never plant raspberries/strawberries. They wither too quickly

Why Is It There ALWAYS fml's like thiss .. -_-

invisiblerabbit 0

lol. i hope he placed his seed on your face.

Anonymous5328 0

hahaahahha. i can definately see my future boyfriend or something doing that. well......maybe not as were having sex! but maybe while were getting heated up!!!

katekappy 0

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. that is freakin funny!

Cool this was the first one i ever moderated and it showed up! (I just felt like saying that.) OP: I'm addicted to that game. Give the guy a break!! But i guess he could've just waited til later. I like how a lot of people talk about their gfs and bfs behind their backs.

CJ090 0

Repeat OMG this is repeated only with the change of the app of fascistbook can u be any more unoriginal

whats up with all these god damn "my husband was having sex but then he ran off to blah blah blah" ?