By demk - 20/08/2009 14:51 - United States

Today, my husband and I were in bed, and just as I was about to finish he screamed, "Oh shit! It's 4:15, my strawberries are gonna whither!!!!" and then jumped off me and went to check on his farm on FarmVille. An imaginary farm, on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 846
You deserved it 8 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lolatflyingducks 0

Clearly, you have never played Farmville.

chadhilliard67 0

haha, lets hope his strawberrys didnt whither


That is really horrible. Funny, but horrible. Sorry about that.

3rd World Farmer is a much better and more challenging game than Farmville.

ashleeee 0

lol he must have been really bored ! OP must have been wack ! and not keeping him intrigued. sorryyy !

Real! I'm sorry but I have to call real. If one person is addicted to a facebook app, another person in the world can to. REEEAAAL

hahaha *falls over* I haven't laughed so hard in my life.

redneckmother 0

Strawberries are cheap and don't produce that high of a return on investment. Could he have been bored???

ahahhaha this remined me i have to go check on mine aswell LOL

Anonymous5328 0

you know......... this one has 195 "you deserved it!" 's..... why do people do that? i dont see how this person deserved that. she didnt really include enough info for us to know if it was her fault for some odd reason!!! i think people just like to be A HOLES on the internet !!

she deserves it because she can't spell "wither"

CourtneyDanielle_fml 9

My mom plays on that. She's 45 and is trying to get me to join it. I'm 16 and have a real life..

Mate i'm totally plowing in the background of this, I only play it because me and two of my friends are in a battle for farmville glory. ;)

Shenanigans! I saw a movie years ago where a guy was having sex with his girlfriend and stopped halfway to watch the MTV Music Awards.