By helpfulmom - 26/07/2009 18:39 - Canada

Today, my mom taught my boyfriend of 2 weeks how to put on a condom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 123
You deserved it 6 776

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well atleast she won't kill you for having sex now.... o.0


Your mother seems like a good teacher. Though, at least your boyfriend doesn't think it's a balloon now.

#77 FTW Okay. Firstly - was this a demonstration out of your boyfriend's wanting-to-know, or your mums? Or did your boyfriend have a hard-on and your mom decided to show him "how" right before they... Okay. That was getting freaky... Anyways - please tell me it wasn't a physical demonstration. That would just be...Epic. Unless you are into three-somes with your mum. Cause after that, he might just have the hots for her. Just saying. lulz

I don't know... I slept with my fiancee on our first date.

re point 2. Apparently not that good. Otherwise more of them might be inclined to sleep with you faster.

re point 2. Apparently not that good. Otherwise more of them might be inclined to sleep with you faster.

orgthingy 2

I dont see how's that bad at all! Nothing wrong with teaching your bf that, you can make sure that you wont be pregnant now since he learned it from supposedly a "trusted" source

Davidfyl 0

is your mom hot haha and if she is did ur bf have a woody and if he did. did ur mom hold it hahaha fyl

how did her mom hold it. her mom taught him not showed him.

re point 2. Apparently not that good. Otherwise more of them might be inclined to sleep with you faster.