By helpfulmom - 26/07/2009 18:39 - Canada

Today, my mom taught my boyfriend of 2 weeks how to put on a condom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 136
You deserved it 6 778

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well atleast she won't kill you for having sex now.... o.0


your username is helpfulmom? aren't you the daughter? or are you the mother writing on behalf of your daughter? lol

caticaticati 3

It's 'helpfulmom' as in she HAS a "helpful" mom.

Was it a visual, hands-on explaination? If so, get your mom away from me.

arienh4 0

He didn't know. You know, we learned that stuff in school, at age 13-14.

icertainlysuck 0

hahahahahahahahah. Mabey u and ur mom can double team him

At least she is okay with you guys having sex as long as you guys are being safe

iBad 0

lol when I went to read the comments there were 69 comments

And awkward was that for Dad to be the instructional mannequin?

jewelzgalore 0

Well you know, putting that shit on is damn complicated.

I hope that is sarcasm. Putting a condom on takes as much skill as it takes to dial 911. Some more info on this FML would be great. I want to know if it was a demo with something phallic or her BF's penis.

GlowingHelix 0

did she show him with no hands lol well now its time to have fun with what you learned today