By moodyreallyrocks - 09/07/2012 00:30 - United States - Mayfield

Today, my wife is giving birth to our first born. I am an officer stationed overseas. Apparently, I am not only missing the birth, but I also missed the conception. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 915
You deserved it 2 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thank you for your service. What a way to be rewarded. :( Kid isn't yours and apparently neither is the wife. D I V O R C E

She should miss the divorce party then!


And you're still married because...?

Because it doesn't take 5 minutes to get divorced.

unknown_user5566 26

Hopefully only because a divorce takes time.

unknown_user5566 26

Take comfort in the fact that you are a good person willing to risk your life for your country, and your soon-to-be ex-wife is a *****. Thank you for your service, OP. I hope you find a woman who is worth your time.

huskerz20 4

Very comforting to know his good deeds protect a cheating wife and a illegitimate son

Sounds like the commercial for GO ON

unknown_user5566 26

You're right. Flowers WOULD make me forget that I'm a stupid, cheating bitch who deserves to get back-handed for having an affair, and hiding it from my husband. Solid advice!

Your wife is a ***** you deserve way better anyways ..that really sucks tho you will find someone better

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unknown_user5566 26

So, you wouldn't want to be involved in creating a baby with your spouse? Interesting.

I meant that I don't think he would want to have witnessed the conception of THIS baby..obviously if it were him and his wife, then he would want to be there, but it was another guy...why would he want to be there to watch that?

OP, you're an officer. If all the women back home knew about you, you could find someone ten times better than that cheating wench in no time.

niallsprincess 9

Wow. How can somebody disrespect a troop like that? Terrible.

I don't know you should ask the VA office that same question. As for Op thank you for your service.

That is just disrespectful... what a ******* *****. You're off risking your life for our country and that bitch can't even risk keeping her legs together? And obviously, that means more scum breeding....