By Jeri - 12/02/2010 08:41 - United States
Same thing different taste
By divorced - 19/08/2010 10:01 - United States
By TrashGirl - 24/06/2018 01:30
By you would - 04/03/2009 05:15 - United States
By GlennGuagmire - 23/10/2016 06:23 - Saudi Arabia - Ras Tanura
By Anonymous - 07/06/2023 06:00
By Sarah - 01/01/2013 15:15 - United States
By Whatthehell - 22/10/2017 05:00
By haphazard2007 - 02/01/2012 09:44 - United States
Bye, dipshit
By Anonymous - 25/11/2020 23:02 - United States - Merrimack
It's all too much
By Anonymous - 23/06/2024 09:00 - United States
Top comments
Where can I get one of those "happy birthday bitch" cards for my little cousin??
I have a Hallmark program that you can use to make the cards say anything you wish.
Seeing as we are unfamiliar with sarcasm, I shall close the register at this point, and state that 99 cents is the rental price
with any luck,he'll get Cupids Itch from his next lady friend
Well said!
what's wrong with marrying young? if you are mature enough to handle it?
Really? At 29 you'll say she's married too young? So she got married at a young age (19) but she is now 29. Their marriage lasted 10 years. That's a very long time. Too bad it came to an end, but really, how can you blame it on marrying young when they lasted 10 years. That's a pathetic argument.
Wow that really suck. You're better off without him though. p.s. Happy Birthday!
I feel sorry for you, but just think about the lighter side: you don't have to live with him anymore. Cheer up!
I agree with 19, but if you're husband is so f*cking stupid to divorce you right after 10 years of marriage you don't want him anyways. I say that because at 10 years of marriage you now get half his pension. Good for you, FYL to your husband.
punch the bastard in the happy sac!
Oh please. I'm 22 and have been with my fiancee since we were 14. We've been living on our own for four years. We're getting married this year. We're in the real world. I'm a teacher, he's an engineer. People can know love at a young age and that love can last a lifetime. Just because you don't know it doesn't mean others don't. Our relationship has lasted longer than many people who get married in their 30's.
holy crap. that sucks.