By honeymoondisaster - 23/05/2009 04:44 - United States

By honeymoondisaster - 23/05/2009 04:44 - United States
ok.... that sucks. im sorry but shouldnt you be with her and not on your computer on your honey moon?? just a thought
So..did you make her feel guilty after she didn't want to have sex with you? Is she now obligated to have sex with you whenever you want it, since she's your wife? I still stand by waiting till marriage for this. Things go wrong with unmarried couples just as often if not more because then people have to keep on "test driving" which only leads to a history of more past partners. Ew. There are other ways to determine compatibility before marriage such as communication. Also, seeing a naked body isn't really bad so you could have shown each other your bodies and (while not a good idea in my eyes) even allowed some minimal touching before marriage without breaking "The Rule". As long as there was no sexual gratification, of course. /flame shield on
Kudos to you guys for waiting until marriage. That's awesome. Just give it a little time, talk to her about it, see if you can do anything to make her more comfortable when you two are having sexy time. :)
"Please dont make me do this"?! wtf? its normal to be nervous about your first time but no amount of pressure should ever elicit a response like that. even if she was abused or brainwashed, if she loved her husband, there shouldve been a different way to let him know she was nervous. its her response that makes this so sad
#4, you're an idiot. I won't go into the details of my past, but it was a LONG time before I could even equate sex and love in my mind. Even after all that, when I first got married we did a lot of "other" things first before actual sex. And we don't regret a bit of the waiting or the easing into it, because now we have a great sex life, and nobody feels disrespected or unloved.
Waiting until marraige isn't bad. It has worked well for some couples I know, and they have great, fulfilling sex. And everyone jumping to abuse: I wouldn't, at least right away. While it's definately a possibility, don't assume the worst. It is still very likely that she's afraid, been told it will hurt/is bad/etc. Hell, I knew it wouldn't be that painful/scary and I was still a little nervous my first time. She could also just be really insecure. Make sure she knows you'll be gentle and how much you love her and how she is the only one. If that doesn't work, counseling could be very helpful, especially if there is an underlying problem.
I'm sorry to hear that. Please be patient with her, hopefully she'll come around soon!
I'm sure she's just nervous and clearly has very little idea about sex... sounds like her parents told her it was a scary bad thing and left it at that.