By honeymoondisaster - 23/05/2009 04:44 - United States
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YDI for believing in, and practicing, abstinence only.
YDI for not being up for it.
I think there's nothing wrong with waiting for marriage. But a big mistake with that choice is that people who choose to wait really don't discuss sex beyond abstinence. People get taught that it's wrong, and dirty, and immoral, and that it should never, ever be talked about. They learn that it's the most disgusting act, and that despite that, they should only do it with someone they love? So they don't talk about it beforehand with their future spouse, and then they're still scared on the wedding night. The sad thing is how it happens ALL THE TIME, especially with women. Why are the people pushing for sex to supposedly mean more by being experienced only in marriage SIMULTANIOUSLY teaching their children that sex is the most heinous sin humanity ever inflicted upon itself?
It's not that you need to have sex before marriage, you just need to get to know the person before you make a big commitment and did you even ask her about sex before you got married? I think people should wait, but they need to talk these things out first.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with waiting until marriage. Congrats, you did the right thing. Just give your wife some time and she'll come around. It's something you're both new to and it might have been a bit overwhelming for her at that time.
I'm sorry to hear that. Please be patient with her, hopefully she'll come around soon!
I'm sure she's just nervous and clearly has very little idea about sex... sounds like her parents told her it was a scary bad thing and left it at that.