By f.a.t. - 04/10/2013 08:20 - Australia

Today, while in bed, my boyfriend pointed to my stomach and said, "Bad fat", then pointed to my boobs and said, "Good fat." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 614
You deserved it 7 776

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when I would have pointed to him and said "Bad boyfriend!"

That's when you do the "good head, bad head" with his penis and his actual head.


perdix 29

The worst part is it's so obvious! How often do you see skinny girls get their middle-aged sugar daddies to pay for Belly Augmentation surgery?

Lol, I would've actually laughed if my boyfriend ever said that to me, we would eventually start teasing each other. I guess it just depends on how you guys communicate everyday.

Point to his peter and say no brain and then to his head and say also no brain!!!

I hate to burst your bubble while you inflate mine, CharresBarkrey , the breast consists of not only fat. There's alot more to it than just skin and fat. 1.The breast is an apocrine gland that produces milk,2. for which the nipple of the breast is centred in (surrounded by) an areola (nipple-areola complex, NAC),3. The milk ducts (lactiferous ducts) are immediately surrounded with dense connective tissue that functions as a support framework. I could go on to the anatomy but I think this will keep your tit head busy for a while. Oh and I have inboxed this to you so you can see it and prepare an appropriate response. Like I should have said in the fist place, their not all fat, meaning there are other glands and tubes present as I have so neatly expressed via wikipedia on above

monnanon 13

quoting wikipedia immediatly ruins any credibility you had to begin with. also breast are mostly fat. what the commenters you are trying to correct probably meant was that there is no muscle at all in the breast. they are essentially a bag of fat containing mamory glands

Croquis_fml 14

Is it still good fat if he has them?

Just do the same back to him. Men have self-image issues too; we're just also told we can't complain about them.

Point at his arms and say "guns" then point at his dick and say "crayon" idk but he's a dick!

Gonna try that on my wife. That's awesome.

ThePrincessB 4

Point to his stomach (or mouth) and say "too big", then point to his crotch and say "too small".