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By Anonymous - 28/10/2009 08:03 - United States

Today, I cut my finger open with a spoon. After waiting for 4 hours in the emergency room, the doctor told me I was missing too much flesh to qualify for stitches. He then called 2 other doctors in to examine it. Apparently they had a contest for patient with most ridiculous injury. I won. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 187
You deserved it 7 948

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow... that takes skill, my friend. That, or you've got some dangerous ******* spoons in your kitchen. At least you discovered that before it got to your mouth, right?


dinosaursmoo 0

I broke my thumb in second grade playing rock paper scissors. Not so ridiculous anymore.

paperxclips 0

That must have been a pretty epic game of rock paper scissors xD

That should only happen if they rock your scissors.

dudeitsdanny 9

Seems like Russia and Oregon are a lot alike =P

YouCantBreakMe 9

I cut my finger with a Laffy Taffy, a spoon seems more reasonable

it seems everyone is forgetting, that, there are spoons with sharp tips, made for cutting into fruits and taking small bites of it. pretty useless, but they work nicely for cutting things when you don't have a knife.

Wow... that takes skill, my friend. That, or you've got some dangerous ******* spoons in your kitchen. At least you discovered that before it got to your mouth, right?

theshow8812 0

it was probably a grapefruit spoon those things are dangerous.

memory_loss_fml 0

Yeah really. I mean, FYL, but still, HOW THE **** DID YOU CUT YOURSELF WITH A SPOON?!?!?!

Maybe it was an old spoon and it had sharp and pointy edges.

A spoon??? How did that happened?? A SPOON???????

I see you've played knifey spooney before.

You, sir are a legend :) "C-O...!" "B-E...!"

Except that he got that somewhere else - the Simpsons I think. OP, you didn't win anything. The doctor did so your life sucks even more.

ydi_ruuc 0

I may sound like an idiot, but what is knifey spooney?

perdix 29

Now I am going to use this to warn my daughter of the perils of spooning!

Sun_Kissed18 25

Hahaha, cleverrr ;) Spoons are bad, see here? So spooning is bad! Got it? Stay away from boys. They will cut you, all those sharp edges and such.

perdix 29

It's the rounded, smooth parts I'm worried about. ;)

anglicdvil524 0

Are you Filipino??? "Only a Filipino could find the sharpest edge of a SPOON" -Rex Navarette

I'm calling YDI on this dangerous are your spoons? How the hell do you cut yourself on one of those?

did you shove it into your finger? that seems hard to do.