
By krissy8799 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I gave my boyfriend a blow job for the first time. He posted it on Facebook and can't understand why I'm angry with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 278
You deserved it 10 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ImFrackinBored 13

...Well my question is: how many people liked it?


dayrin7 4

well nomore blow jobs for him! or if you guys having sex and its not good, post it on fb like " my boyfriend cant do it like he use to nomore" lets see how much he likes it :)

What a jerk! I'm sure you're better than him, move on girlie!!

well you just posted on fml that you gave your boyfriend a ******** so your just as bad as him lol

just like 90 said. I don't know a single person on here personally... that I know of. Facebook is friends and relatives.

Now you know you are dating an idiot who will announce personal, private matters to the entire world and then be stumped as to why you are upset. I was going to tell you to burst in and take a photo of him the next time he takes a shit and then post it so he gets a dose of his own medicine, but something tells me he's so stupid he'd just say "cool" and think it was funny that the entire world got an eyeful of him sitting on the crapper.

mrsbogle 0

so u were mad he posted it on facebook but you are posting it on here and it's ok? hmmmmm...

do people just nit read the other comments before they post?

I wonder if some people skip certain comments before posting things...

Get off his back! if you understood how good a bj felt you'd understand. that is pretty damn funny though. He just got caught up in the heat of the moment. can't help being excited about something.

JS721 1

She'll probably never know. Guys aren't half as good as getting their partner off as girls are.

guys are easy. even a bad bj is better than your hand...most of the time lol. I know it's not impossible to satisfy a girl enough to post something like that. we are just wired different and we'll NEVER understand each other.

so why are you upset? look we can't read your mind.

he liked it and really you have to understand the thought process of a man. Its him bragging and nothing makes a man happier ithan bragging rights. So be happy that he is doing it be more worried if he didnt

JS721 1

That's a terrible excuse. Boys these days. No sense.