Choking hazard

By notsexy - 09/05/2009 15:51 - United States

Today, I tried for the first time putting a condom on my boyfriend using my mouth. I freaked out, swallowed, and started choking on the condom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 098
You deserved it 83 416

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should've practiced on a banana first. Girls. *Facepalm*


illgutcha 0

i didn't know women would actually try that!! LOL!! i bet that tastes worse than swallowing.

@OP: Completely deserved. You should also learn how to construct a sentence, your post is almost unreadable. English is one of the languages where word order matters.

buWHhahhahaha at least you didnt die

What has our world come to?!?!?! God, Youre ****** retarded!!! Either put it on with your hands, use pull out, or don't give a shit about what happens after u have sex!!!!!!! Anyway, that's actually really funny, YDI 100 percent. Hope your boyfriend broke up with you after that.

Guess you won't try stuff you see on Real Sex for a long time, huh?