
By FMLTIMESTWO - 10/06/2009 04:36 - United States

Today, I found a dead bird on my windshield. Thinking I was clever, I turned on my windshield wipers to get the bird off. Unfortunately, the dead bird fell through my open window and onto my lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 557
You deserved it 61 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even dead animals deserve respect. YDI for being disrespectful, and obviously not as clever as you thought.

KwitIt 0

I'm surprised it didn't just smear dead bird all over your windshield. Gross. You got kinda lucky.


This is one of the rare FMLs that're so ******* retarded it has to be true.

jussjess 0

How is that clever? Lol @ # 16.

musu_fml 0

#5 The operative word is DEAD: once something is dead, how on earth can it be upset about how you treat it? Oh right, this isn't about the bird's feelings; it's about YOUR feelings. You don't give a shit about the bird. You only care about you being upset.

Tori_xoxo 0

That's what you get for thinking you're clever.

fretforyerlatte 0

oh for god's sake. i suppose OP should have stopped their whole day and had a ******* burial ceremony and prayer for some random bird. wtf ever. come on, guys, seriously. i could see this happening, cuz i know when there's a shitload of snow for example on the windshield and i try to use wipers, if the door or window is open it WILL fall right back in on you. and i don't blame the OP, who wants to touch some nasty dead bird? it could have mites, or who knows what. eww dead things...

justdesserts 0

YDI for being mean to a dead bird.